Why we should promote inclusion in the playground.


We talk a lot about inclusion in the classroom, but what about the playground?

It comes as no surprise that more often than not, children enjoy playing. But do all children get to go to the playground and play? As it turns out, unless they are all able to use the equipments, the answer is no. Should this situation remain as is? A small Hungarian company has come up with a plan to change it. Its name: Magikme (now known as Inclusive Play).

What drew my attention to them was their mission: revolutionise the playground.

Their innovative approach means that they have been able to make more playgrounds accessible to children with Special Education Needs in Hungary. While special schools might be their first supporters, mainstream schools or local authorities outside Hungary might want to consider what they have to offer. The potential for creating playgrounds that are safe for all to play in is tremendous.

What supporting a project like this means: ensuring that children play together and treat each other with respect and care. It means that in the playground just as in the classroom everyone is included.

For more about Inclusive Play visit: https://inclusiveplay.com/who-we-are/

How it started

The project started in Hungary in 2013 and came about after 5 friends saw a need for inclusive playgrounds. 3 of them are parents of children with Special Needs. In 2015, it gained traction and raised over £8,000 for its IndieGogo campaign to build their first equipment prototype.

Why support the project?

It is a project which has the potential to change the way children play and the perception of disability in schools or playgrounds. If you wish to support it, get in touch with them.

Further reading

Sandra Kpodar is a supporter of Inclusive Play (formerly known as MagikMe).

Post updated on: 23 March 2024

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